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What's Missing From Fairfax County


The main things missing from Fairfax are intangible—recognition and general perception of the area need to catch up with the explosion of development that has transformed it. Some beliefs about the county lag decades behind the reality.

Aaron Georgelas believes a sports stadium and franchise could fix this and enhance the local economy, which would benefit from and support it. A stadium brings jobs and revenue, while a team, especially a winning one, unites residents and imbues them with pride and community spirit.

Much like any suburban area, sprawl still needs to be filled in. Further urbanization would make the area more walkable and navigable, attracting more Millennials to hotspots like RTC and Mosaic, which are currently only accessible with a vehicle to those who don't live there. Addition of more Metro lines could help solve the connectedness issue and facilitate diffusion between DC and Fairfax County.