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What's Missing From Anacostia


Anacostia still represents an early stage value play for investors looking to capitalize on the overall surge of redevelopment in the greater DC area. 

Edward Grandis, the attorney who helped organize the Anacostia BID and a former executive director of the organization, spoke with Bisnow about what improvements the neighborhood could make as it continues to evolve. 

Edward tells us public WiFi would go a long way toward attracting visitors. He says local merchants would appreciate this move so they wouldn't be burdened with the expense of providing it themselves.

Offering free connectivity is about more than just convenience, it also is quite practical.

"When you bring someone into a neighborhood that they’re not familiar with if they can connect to WiFi and find the location that they’re looking for," Edward says, "it helps ensure public safety and it builds a sense of community to have a WiFi system."

Edward also says there is a great need for a local hotel and points out there is not a single one in the Anacostia commercial corridor.

He is optimistic this addition will be made in the near future as the city is actively looking to fill that void. Edward says an uptick in retail would benefit the area and hopes these potential changes will drive that surge.