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Quadrangle Selling CityCenter Neighbor

Washington, D.C.
Quadrangle Selling CityCenter Neighbor

We thought we'd usher you back to the grind with some news of a stake for sale in one of downtown DC's biggest office buildings.


Cassidy Turley's Bill Collins tells us that last week, he and teammates Paul Collins, Jud Ryan, Drew Flood, and James Cassidy began marketing a 50% stake in Quadrangle Development's 1001 G Street (next to the Grand Hyatt hotel and across the street from CityCenter). Bill tells us ideal potential buyers are likely institutional players with "a capability for long-term ownership." (Might we add, buyers should be good at sharing half a building, so any House/Senate members are eligible.) Quadrangle developed the 536k SF property, also known as Washington Center, in 1989.