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JLL To Acquire Artificial Intelligence Firm Skyline AI

JLL To Acquire Artificial Intelligence Firm Skyline AI

Aug 11, 2021
JLL Ups The Ante In CRE’s Artificial Intelligence ‘Arms Race’ With In-House ChatGPT

JLL Ups The Ante In CRE’s Artificial Intelligence ‘Arms Race’ With In-House ChatGPT

Aug 01, 2023
It’s Not A Person, It’s AI For Your Office: JLL Acquires Proptech Platform Hank

JLL Continues Proptech Investment, Acquires Artificial Intelligence Platform Hank

Jan 06, 2022
tech, computers, property tech, labtopstech, computers, property tech, labtops

Deutsche Bank's Asset Management Arm Teams With Skyline AI To Bring Artificial Intelligence To Real Estate Investing

Nov 21, 2018
Artificial Intelligence Takeover: 11 Companies Transforming CRE

11 Artificial Intelligence Tech Platforms Transforming Commercial Real Estate

Sep 27, 2017
How Artificial Intelligence Will Forever Change The Working World

How Artificial Intelligence Will Forever Change The Working World

Apr 10, 2017
PODCAST: JLL Chief Technology Officer Yao Morin On Why AI Is Coming For Tasks, Not Jobs

PODCAST: JLL Chief Technology Officer Yao Morin On Why AI Is Coming For Tasks, Not Jobs

Oct 29, 2023
ChatGPT Is Just The Start: AI Is Rewriting The Data Center Real Estate Map

ChatGPT Is Just The Start: AI Is Rewriting The Data Center Real Estate Map

Jan 26, 2023
After AI Takes Millions Of Finance Jobs, These Cities Are Poised To Get Them Back

After AI Takes Millions Of Finance Jobs, These Cities Are Poised To Get Them Back

Jun 19, 2019
‘It Hasn’t Replaced Anyone’: How AI Can Work With Property Managers, Not Against Them

‘It Hasn’t Replaced Anyone’: How AI Can Work With Property Managers, Not Against Them

Apr 02, 2024