What South Dallas Needs for Development

Aging infrastructure is a challenge for developing in Southern Dallas County, says City Wide Community Development Corp CEO Sherman Roberts (with E Smith Realty’s Tamela Thornton and Focus Communication’s Kenneth Carter). In some areas, there’s been no development in 40 years, so that infrastructure needs to be replaced. Sherman is working with the City to offset those costs with incentives, we learned at Bisnow's Rise of South Dallas County event at the Sheraton Dallas last week. His nonprofit helps with redevelopment and partnered in the $30M Lancaster Village project. Plus, he just celebrated his 38th wedding anniversary. Congrats Sherman!

MW Logistics president Randy Bowman (second from right with the event panelists) says most people think of South Dallas as just around Fair Park, but it’s much larger (254 miles, to be exact). It’s important to develop Southern Dallas County because while the area is vast, it only generates about 15% of the City’s taxable value.

Prime Rail Interests president Michael Rader (with Kimley Horn’s Dan Gallagher) says companies moving to the Inland Port around the Union Pacific Intermodal Terminal will be near 2 million people who live within a 30-minute drive. He feels the area needs more educational opportunities (job training) for the region’s residents.

Event sponsor BURY’s Richard Nixon (with Phillips Price Realty’s Cassandra Phillips) tells us BURY is redeveloping the old Cowboys Stadium site in Irving as a mixed-use facility, among multiple other projects across the state.