NAI Robert Lynn Adds 1.7M SF

In the last half of 2012, NAI Robert Lynns property management division added the entire Charter Holdings properties (1M SF) as well as the Garrett Group portfolio(700k SF). CEO George Dutter, with office division prez Tom Lynn, tells us 2012 was the firms best year ever, with a 25% increase in business over the previous best year. Fueling the growth is the firms push to go full service, he says. Property management, alone, was up 39%, accounting for a quarter of the firm's 727 deals completed in 2012.
On the office side, the firms been involved in several HQ deals in the 20k SF to 50k SF office range, George says. EVP Kent Smith inked a 22k SF lease for Safeguard Properties Management in JP Partners 2400 Lakeside Blvd in Richardson. The firm is new to DFW via Cleveland and had the unique requirement for eight parking spots per 1,000. George anticipates more of the same for 2013 as many of the firms clients are expanding in the middle of their leases.