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Bisnow Content Partner

The Monroe Group

The Monroe Group is a content partner of Bisnow and have worked with our Studio B team to develop creative content and custom offerings.

The Monroe Group is a New York City and State certified MBE Community Development firm specializing in Affordable Housing Development, Disaster Recovery, and Construction Management Services. The firm leverages its established history with government agencies and the private sector to ensure projects navigate all compliance regulations and consciously engage communities.

We provide the tools to ensure that adequate housing development and infrastructure projects provide services to communities and create jobs through the expansion and retention of affordable housing. We design developments that engage communities and stakeholders that help organizations—agencies, developers, businesses, investors—attuned to 'what matters' and 'what it takes' to propel progress.

Our goal is to facilitate high-quality execution of development and capital projects that embed human-centric, outcome-based insights into real estate developments, community initiatives, programs, policies, methods.

As issues continue to interact and intertwine, the Monroe Group's offerings and ways of working—ever inclusive, always learning, and increasingly asset-based—will evolve and adapt on the shared journey of progress for resilient, thriving communities.