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WACA Gala!


Last night we went to the WACA Gala at The Hamilton. The theme was A Night in Nashville as they welcomed back Amy Wilcox, country singer and actress in A&E's Crazy Hearts: Nashville, to perform live. We snapped her, right, with Mandarin Oriental’s Lynn Jason and Alexandria Colonial Tours’ Richard Robinson.


There was a Chinese auction, raffle prizes, and delicious food. Amy’s sister and father—Dickstein Shapiro’s Erin Wilcox Burns and PwC’s Gary Wilcox—flank Builders Design’s Lauren Jordan.


The Washington Area Concierge Association maintains relationships with area businesses, cultural institutions, and community-based organizations while promoting tourism. Here, The Hamilton’s executive chef Anthony Lombardo and GM John Grace flank Lucy Johnson, who works on private events.


Whit Oberstreet, Boating in D.C.’s Nicholas Verrochi, Key Bridge Boathouse’s Steve Benkert, and Discovery Communications’ Jessica Chakrin.