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Spotted This Weekend

Your publisher did some running around the last couple days. Last night, on the deck of the Kennedy Center for its annual spring gala, we found Host Hotels chairman Dick Marriott, developer Albert Small, and First Potomac's Ernie Jarvis and his wife, Pepco VP Debbi Jarvis.

Inside at dinner, we continued to be surrounded by Smalls: Albert's son (and fellow developer) "Sonny," flanked by wife Tina and parking queen Sherry Doggett.

And making their way into see Camelot following dinner: Walker & Dunlop's Willy Walker and wife Sheila.

On Saturday afternoon before the White House Correspondents Dinner, we found Monty Hoffman and wife Traci at the big Tammy Haddad/Mark Ein pre-party (at G'Town's Katharine Graham House, which Mark bought in 2002). It seems Monty's taken some guff from friends over our labeling him "Prince of the Potomac" in one of our stories last week. Some are calling Monty "the Fresh Prince." Traci doesn't mind; she says it validates the fact her nickname as a kid used to be "Cinderella." But Monty's had enough of it and says he's thinking of legally changing his name to "The Developer Formerly Known as Prince."

Also on Saturday, we were at the great Heart's Delight food and wine event at the downtown Ritz, which raises money for the American Heart Association. Among many celeb chefs on hand, Victor Albisu, center, served creations from his restaurants Del Campo and Taco Bamba, and found appreciative diners in starchitect Shalom Baranes and Capital Adventures' Ellie McMullen.

Enjoying vintage Lynch Bage (that's a fancy wine, we believe): Developer Jeff Zell and Pie Sisters' Erin Blakely.