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Our FBI Survey: The Results

It was close, but Greenbelt is your pick over Springfield, Va. and Landover as the best site for the future FBI headquarters, based on the results from our reader survey last week

Of course, we wanted to know why you voted the way you did. So here are a few of the best comments:

  • For Greenbelt:
    • "Has the best Metro station to handle the growth and traffic."
    • "The land for the FBI site will be offered free by Renard Development. It has the best land area for the building. Landover is a bad site and the beltway traffic in that area is terrible - poor amenities in the area."
  • For Springfield:
    • "The Springfield site has proximity to the FBI's greater workforce and the Quantico Training Center."
    • "Proximity to Quantico. It would be great if the feds would start moving agencies closer to each other, rather than scattering them across the countryside. And, why can't the CIA and FBI coexist on a site. Aren't they supposed to work together, after 9/11?"
  • For Neither:
    • "Should have gone with Poplar Point [in DC]. Each of these three will make a majority unhappy."