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By The Numbers: U Street/Shaw

Shaw and the U Street corridor are Washington, D.C.’s cultural epicenter, meccas for music, nightlife and entertainment. The illustrious careers of many of D.C.’s most prominent black artists, poets, musicians and intellectuals were tied to the area, and they left a lasting imprint on the neighborhood. Shaw and U Street devolved in the late 1960s, but development and a youth influx have brought the neighborhoods from ruins to riches, as they have some of the highest housing prices and trendiest retail in the D.C. area.


By The Numbers: U Street/Shaw

  • Population: 84,000
  • Median Age: 33
  • Average Household Income: $117K
  • 44,300 households
  • 47% of households are car-less
  • 22% population growth in a half-mile radius between 2010 and 2016
  • 91% of residents are high school graduates, 70% hold a bachelor’s degree and 39% have a graduate or professional degree