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Guidelines For Future Hoover Building Site Development Call For Narrower Sidewalk


When the FBI moves out to the suburbs, a major new mixed-use development will be constructed on the Pennsylvania Avenue site, and a debate has been taking place over how far back from the street the buildings should sit.

The National Capital Planning Commission last month released draft guidelines that would push the build-to line for any new building 20 feet closer to the curb, creating a 57-foot sidewalk, compared to the current nearly 80-foot wide space, Greater Greater Washington reports. 

The draft guidelines also call for the reintroduction of D Street NW to run through the two-square site where the building currently sits. It would allow the building on the northern square to reach 160 feet tall, while the southern square adjacent to Pennsylvania Avenue would have a 137-foot height limit. 

The GSA is looking for a developer to construct the new FBI campus, which will be in either Greenbelt, Landover or Springfield (to be announced in March), in exchange for development rights on the Hoover Building site. [GGW]

Correction: A previous version of this article stated the build-to line would be moved back to create a wider sidewalk. The guidelines actually call for a narrower sidewalk.