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The Newest Association


The reality for most disabled people is that they can’t get access to the majority of the Web. The founders of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals want to change that. The recently-launched association will focus on training current and future tech creators to make products and services accessible to disabled people. IAAP president Rob Sinclair, whose day job is overseeing accessibility at Microsoft, says most tech people who know how to build accessible tech products are self taught. Some programs that teach accessibility have fizzled in the last few years because they were ahead of their time, he adds.


IAAP CEO David Dikter says the group isn’t pushing for companies to have full-time accessibility experts. They’re hoping to see more tech professionals having accessibility as part of their skill set. And they will focus on how organizations can make accessibility part of their overall focus. The tech accessibility grassroots movement has existed 30 years, but Rob and David say the launch of Chicago-based IAAP means it’s moving into a more recognized profession. AT&T and Microsoft are among 29 founding members and IAAP is building its membership base with individuals and organizations. (Membership is free in IAAP’s first year.) The group will also organize events on accessibility all over the world. 

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