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The Crunchiest CEO

Consumer interest in natural products has exploded over the last few years. (Ever been to Whole Foods on the weekends?) The oldest and biggest industry advocate, the Natural Products Association, has a new leader.


Daniel Fabricant just spent three years at FDA overseeing dietary supplements and enforcing manufacturing practices. The doctor will now advocate on behalf of 800 natural products manufacturers and 1,200 retailers with over 10,000 locations. The DC-based association plays a big role in educating consumers about differences like “all-natural” versus “made with natural ingredients.” It has also certified over 1,200 natural items. NPA spends a good deal of time on the Hill; the organization recently came out in favor of voluntary GMO labeling.


One challenge is representing retailers and manufacturers. But backing both sides helps the organization’s long history in grassroots advocacy, Daniel says. NPA encourages members to invite policymakers to their manufacturing facilities for tours. The association is also looking at its role internationally and making sure natural products are labeled accurately. NPA has advocated to get certain healthy foods included in food assistance programs and Daniel says he’d like to tackle that again. He’s here with communications director Lauren Cohen and membership manager Billie Dee Tate.


Daniel, a former UNC receiver, says his interest in natural products started as an intern in Miami’s medical examiner’s lab, a busy place considering the city’s crime rate. He studied chemistry as an undergrad and the study of drugs derived from natural sources (pharmacognosy, but you knew that) in grad school. Most drugs, even those for cancer, derive from plants. While studying dietary alternatives to hormone replacement therapy under an NIH grant, he hiked mountain ranges along the east coast in search of black cohosh, a Native American medicinal plant. So what natural products can Daniel not live without? Kefir yogurt drink for his kids and fish oil.