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Turning Point: Study Shows Physical Security Evolving In The Age Of Technological Disruption

Turning Point: Study Shows Physical Security Evolving In The Age Of Technological Disruption

May 06, 2024
How Can Data Centers Prioritize Energy Efficiency? Learn More At Bisnow’s May 21-23 DICE East Event

How Can Data Centers Prioritize Energy Efficiency? Learn More At Bisnow’s May 21-23 DICE East Event

May 02, 2024
Google logo on a rooftop

Google Investing $1B To Improve Northern Virginia Data Centers

Apr 29, 2024

Flexibility Is How The Office Is Getting Its Groove Back

Apr 26, 2024
Microsoft sign

Microsoft, Google, Meta To Aggressively Raise Data Center Spending — With Mixed Reviews

Apr 26, 2024
CoStar To Acquire Proptech Company Matterport In $1.6B Deal

CoStar To Acquire Proptech Company Matterport In $1.6B Deal

Apr 22, 2024
Google Job Cuts Hit Real Estate Division As Tech Giant Rolls Out Round 2 Of Layoffs

Google Job Cuts Hit Real Estate Division As Tech Giant Rolls Out Round 2 Of Layoffs

Apr 18, 2024
‘Reinvent Yourself With Tech’: How Brokers Can Position Themselves For Success In The Next Bull Market

‘Reinvent Yourself With Tech’: How Brokers Can Position Themselves For Success In The Next Bull Market

Apr 17, 2024
How SIOR Is Embracing Change To Move The Office And Industrial Sectors Forward

How SIOR Is Embracing Change To Move The Office And Industrial Sectors Forward

Apr 16, 2024
U.S. Office Market Outlook Gloomy As Availability Hits New High

U.S. Office Market Outlook Gloomy As Availability Hits New High

Apr 14, 2024