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This Week's Houston Deal Sheet

This Week's Houston Deal Sheet

Sep 08, 2023
The Tech Conundrum: In The Race To Go Smart, Healthcare Risks Outsmarting Itself

The Tech Conundrum: In The Race To Go Smart, Healthcare Risks Outsmarting Itself

Sep 22, 2022
Interest In This Autonomous Construction Tech Has Doubled Since March

Interest In This Autonomous Construction Tech Has Doubled Since March

Aug 31, 2020
Progressive Real Estate Partners retail leasing and sales specialist Roxanne Klein

As Some States Lift Restrictions, CRE Gets Ready To Go Back To The Office

Apr 27, 2020
The Coronavirus Is Going To Change How We Think About Design

The Coronavirus Is Going To Change How We Think About Design

Mar 31, 2020
16 Things You Need to Know This Morning

16 Things You Need to Know This Morning

Sep 28, 2017