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Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich speaking at Bisnow's Mid-Atlantic Life Sciences and Biotech Summit.

Maryland Life Sciences Seeks To Shift Away From ‘A World Of Office Parks’

May 02, 2024
Julia Troy, 
Photo permissions from Jacqueline Toppings, United Bank

United Bank CEO On The Bank’s Continued Expansion In Challenging Economic Times

May 01, 2024
Feds To Vacate, Dispose Of Century-Old Office Building Overlooking Tidal Basin

Feds To Vacate, Dispose Of Century-Old Office Building Overlooking Tidal Basin

Apr 30, 2024
This Week's D.C. Deal Sheet

This Week's D.C. Deal Sheet

Apr 26, 2024
Starwood To Convert K Street Office Building After Foreclosing On Brookfield

Starwood To Convert K Street Office Building After Foreclosing On Brookfield

Apr 18, 2024
This Week's D.C. Deal Sheet: Falls Church Marriott Lands $40M Refinancing

This Week's D.C. Deal Sheet: Falls Church Marriott Lands $40M Refinancing

Apr 12, 2024
Office Leasing Picks Up In D.C., But Not Enough To Stop Rising Vacancy

Office Leasing Picks Up In D.C., But Not Enough To Stop Rising Vacancy

Apr 11, 2024
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How Flexibility And Hospitality Turned An Office Into A ‘Godsend’

Apr 03, 2024
Biden Signs Budget With $200M For New FBI HQ, Prompting GOP Backlash

Biden Signs Budget With $200M For New FBI HQ, Prompting GOP Backlash

Mar 25, 2024
This Week's D.C. Deal Sheet

This Week's D.C. Deal Sheet

Mar 15, 2024