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NYC Claims Trump Is Misusing Public Space


A dispute between Donald Trump and NYC officials over public space at Trump Tower just took a turn for the worse for The Donald—the city fined him $10k after his lawyers failed to show up at a hearing.

In its complaint, the city claims Trump failed to fulfill his obligations to NYC based on an agreement made in the 1970s when Trump was granted a bonus to build a bigger building in return for his agreement to make a public space at Trump Tower on East 56th and Fifth Avenue, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Part of that public space includes a 22-foot-long bench, which was specified in the original architectural drawings, but has now vanished.

The city also ordered Trump to remove two large Trump campaign paraphernalia stores infringing on public space in the building, which he eventually did, and began an investigation in May into whether Trump’s campaign rallies at the building have improperly closed off public space. [WSJ]