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Brian Cweren: When Winning Money Can Hurt You

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Local apartment attorney Brian Cweren tells us that his firm handles thousands of eviction appeals—the most popular method used by a resident to appeal losing their eviction trial is called a “pauper’s affidavit.” By appealing, the resident gets a whole new trial in front of a county court judge, along with a long delay. Recently, Brian promptly objected to a resident’s pauper’s claim and requested that the Justice of the Peace set the matter for a hearing. The problem with this particular resident: She was no pauper.  What she failed to disclose to the court was that she had recently won a radio call-in contest for $10k. See the above photo, which was actually used as Exhibit 1: It appeared on the radio station’s website, with the resident bearing a giant check. Yep, this happened. For more info on Brian Cweren, click here.

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