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AiNet Sees Deteriorating Economy

National Data Center

We also reached AiNet's Deepak Jain for his three 2014 predictions. And his No. 1 prediction: Your personal data will continue to be "exploited all over the place" as data center opeators continue to fight to protect data from very clever and evolving hackers. (The scary part is that some of these hackers are only 12, so they've got a long career ahead.) His two other predictions:

  • As people continue to find "new boogeymen in the closet," the talk of new surveillence rules and regs will continue to "ramp up."
  • As the Fed tapers its bond buying program, the cracks in the economy masked for the past few years will become re-exposed, and company earnings will decline since most companies didn't invest in capital expenditures in the past few years.