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GSA Reassigns Official In Charge Of FBI HQ Project


An ongoing project that has taken many twists and turns will now have a new captain steering the ship.

The General Services Administration has appointed a new official to oversee the FBI HQ project. Out is GSA project executive William Dowd, who had overseen the project since 2013, and in is Aaron D. Hassinger, who will now be tasked with making some headway on the complex project, the Washington Post reports.

No word has been given on a reason for the move, but Dowd’s three-year stint as project manager was set to expire next month, and he remains with the agency. Earlier this year, the GSA launched a final search for a developer willing to construct a new FBI HQ in exchange for the aging J. Edgar Hoover Building and up to $1.8B in cash. Responses to that proposal must be received by June 22.

The proposed swap has faced its share of criticism, with some worrying that it will unnecessarily complicate the transaction—but it may be a necessary evil to make a new 2.1M SF HQ affordable. The Obama administration has pledged $1.4B in funding towards new digs for the FBI. [WaPo]