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Lynda Cook SVP, Lowe Enterprises

Los Angeles

Lynda Cook oversees the commercial asset operations for Lowe Enterprises nationally and is also involved in the underwriting and due diligence of its acquisitions. “The work is intense, but it plays into my need for constant change,” she says. The most pivotal deal of her career: Brea Place, where over an almost 15-year period, it developed numerous office buildings, a large retail center and day care center. “With each new building or property type came more challenges and lots of opportunities to learn another facet of the business.” After graduate school, Lynda had two children and had the opportunity to work on Brea Place on a part-time basis (her sister, who was working for Lowe at the time, persuaded her to join). Her role and the responsibilities then expanded quickly. “Each morning, I am challenged with keeping all the balls in the air, so that Lowe and its clients are well served and our business is successful,” she says. Her hope for 2015 is to spend more time focused on family and friends (above, she’s visiting her grandkids in Charleston, SC); she’s a road warrior by nature and would like to hop in a car with her husband for a trip across the country.