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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Riverways Auditorium
Our headline was also the theme of yetserday's AIRE virtual bus tour of the O'Hare submarket, referring to all the transportationaccessible to warehouses there. The O'Hare Modernization Planhas already taken some space off the market in Bensenville, and the proposed Elgin O'Hare Western Bypass would connect suburbs like Elgin to the airport but may also require some tenants to move. The project brought together the FWHA and IDOT and will include an elevated highway with pedestrian and bike access near the Union Pacific Railroad track in Franklin Park.
McShane's Megan Brody and Mat Dougherty
While we were there, we snapped McShane marketing team Megan Brody and Mat Dougherty, who tell us the firm has won assignments for a 32k SF outpatient facility for Rockford Veterans Affairs and the build-out of 18 new offices for Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart's space at 155 N Wacker.