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New Taker for Mid-Size Retail

Baltimore Retail

Planet Fitness’ unique-for-a-gym business model means it’s looking for a different space format from other full-service fitness concepts, says MacKenzie Commercial’s John Schultz, who reps the franchisees in Maryland and proves above that with paperweights, you can get in a workout just about anywhere. Planet Fitness is an average Joe, no-lunkheads-allowed gym with a lesser emphasis on weights. That all adds up to a 15k SF to 25k SF footprint compared to the typical gym’s 40k SF to 60k SF.


Here’s the Planet Fitness in Rosedale's Golden Ring Center. John tells us the company’s $10 to $20 monthly access and "No judgement zone" tagline enable it to go after the 70% of consumers for whom a gym membership hasn't been in the cards financially or who have been too intimidated to join a gym (like maybe you have bad memories of the football team stuffing you in a locker). Plus, office workers also can afford it as a second gym membership that's convenient to their offices. So the company looks in smaller suburbs (the ideal is a 50k SF or larger shopping center with plenty of parking) or urban areas. In addition to the 22 Planet Fitnesses in Maryland, three are about to open in Westminster and Cumberland and on Belair Road, and more are in the pipeline.