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Sing Out for Shelter!


We went to Sing Out for Shelter to listen to two hours of fabulous a cappella songs and to raise money to help the homeless, held at the Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist  Church. We snapped its pastor, Charlie Parker, and the night's emcee, author and ABC News contributor Claire Shipman, who introduced each of the five singing groups, including two terrific local ones: Georgetown Day School's Five O'Clock Shadow, and the Supreme Chord.


One of the night's hosts, former PBGC chief Josh Gotbaum, surrounded by his wife, Joyce Thornhill, and Penne Dann. Funds raised went to Metropolitan Shelters, Christ House, and Friendship Place.


The Augmented Eight, which has sponsored this concert for 24 years, raising $200k, just before Josh, center, belted out his terrific solo.


We were entertained by two fantastic university groups, University of Delaware's The Deltones and, here, The Yale Whiffenpoofs, the country's oldest a cappella group (1909!) singing in white tie and tails.

Travis Holler contributed to this issue.