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Debate Watch Party!

Only in DC would watching the Republican debates be a reason for a party. Last night we went to Johnny Pistolas in Adams Morgan for a Debate Watch Party on the big screen.

We watched the top 10 Republican Presidential candidates as they spoke about important issues such as immigration, economy, social issues, and... Rosie O'Donnell? We snapped HDMK's Justin Bartolomeo, Andrew Bates, SmithBucklin's David Tyson, Jessica Tyson, Jordan Bartolomeo, and TMA Direct's Andres Rey.

The audience debated each other all evening, but everyone agreed the winner was The Daily Show finale. Here, Ernie Enriquez, CEB's Kelli Singrey, Philanthropy Roundtable's Matt Bazik, CEB's Erin Dugan, and Sterne Kessler's John Elkins and Michael Steinberg.

Real Clear Politics' Ted Hamlin, Fannie Mae's Andrew Krouch, IronArch Technology's Kase Suyderhoud, and Brendan Krouch.

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