Nation’s Triathlon!

Yesterday we headed to West Potomac Park for the annual Nation’s Triathlon to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Unfortunately, the swimming portion was cancelled because of unhealthy levels of storm run-off from Saturday night’s downpour. We hope our region can clean the Potomac so thousands will continue to come here for this great event. We snapped veterans with the Wounded Warriors Project, Joey Boling and John Rego, celebrating after crossing the finish line.

DC Triathlon Club members Marriott’s Drew Mcelhare, Ernst & Young’s Julianne Miata, and Inserso CEO Hamid Moinamin.

Chris Cartledge and Ricardo Cosme, who finished first in his division.

Booz Allen Hamilton’s Greg Feldman and American Sustainable Business Council’s Greta Twombly.

Herbalife CEO Michael Johnson, center, the race’s main sponsor, with its soy protein shake for muscle recovery.