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Japanese Star Festival!


We celebrated Tanabata, the week-long Japanese Star Festival at Daikaya Izakaya Lounge above its Chinatown ramen shop. The festivities denote the legend of two lovers, Orihime and Hikoboshi, who are separated by the Milky Way, and only allowed to meet once a year. Bar guests clinked glasses for that frustrated couple with a festive cocktail, The Astral Traveler. We snapped Third Way’s Emily Sternfeld, Rick Limardo, and NAM’s Lauren Airey.


According to Japanese tradition, everyone wrote wishes on colorful slips of paper and hung them from the bamboo branches. Unfortunately, it was after USA lost to Belgium. Here, DOT’s Liz Greden, David Lappin, and Shea Bettwy.

Alfredo Flores and Liz Ovits contributed to this issue.