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Cocktails with Carleton!

Cocktails with Carleton!


We went to a cocktail party where Carleton Varney, one of Americas best known interior designers, introduced guests to the Greenbriers Upper Lobby in downtown DC. We snapped him (right) with Greenbrier prez Jeffrey Kmiec and former Michigan governor now Business Roundtable prez John Engler.


Guests enjoyed hors doeuvres and cocktails from neighboring Bobby Vans. Here, Nancy Andriuk, Dorothy Draper Co.s Brinsley Matthews, Karen Russo, and her husband former Congressman Marty Russo.


Progressitys Kathleen DuBois, Greenbriers Dominique Dupras, Footprints Cindy Chamber, Releriences Angela Kasey, and Gina Dennis.

Alfredo Flores and Merjan Bubernack contributed to this issue.