Three Reasons You Should Sign Up For Lawyers Have Heart 2016
Coming up on June 11 is the Lawyers Have Heart 10K, 5K Run and Fun Walk. Haven't signed up yet? We'll give you three good reasons to do so.
1) Raise money for a good cause

Since Lawyers Have Heart was founded in '91 by lawyers Richard Frank and Alan Raul, it has raised more than $10M to benefit the American Heart Association. (Last year marked the race's 25th anniversary.)
2) Everyone is doing it

It's the DC area's largest 10K, drawing more than 5,500 runners and walkers. The race brings together top law firms and their vendors, elite athletes, runners and walkers of all levels of experience, survivors of heart attack and stroke, lawyers, administrators, law librarians, law students, legal assistants, legal secretaries and summer associates (and even a Bisnow team).
"This race is the premier philanthropic event of the DC legal community and the community at large," says 2016 chair Leslie Thornton, SVP & GC of WGL's Washington Gas. "It's a great employee engagement opportunity and a way for law firms and corporations to encourage a corporate culture of camaraderie and wellness, and the contribution helps to save lives."
3) You'll benefit

Lace up your running shoes and strengthen your own heart through exercise. If that's not enough incentive, there will be a post-race party at the Washington Harbour where runners and spectators can enjoy refreshments, music, giveaways and prizes provided by friends and sponsors of Lawyers Have Heart.
The race will take place on Saturday, June 11. For more information and to register, visit