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GSA Moves DHS IG Office To Patriots Plaza In Southwest DC


Patriots Plaza, a three-building Southwest DC office complex, will be the new home for the Department of Homeland Security's Office of the Inspector General.

The GSA signed an 88k SF lease at Patriots Plaza I despite protests from the IG's current landlord, the Washington Business Journal reports. The 280k SF building at 395 E St SW is part of the three-building complex occupied by the FBI, the Department of Agriculture and FEMA. 

The property's owner, MEPT, sold a 49% stake in the complex to a German pension fund last December. The IG moves from 1120 Vermont Ave NW. Its landlord, an affiliate of S.C. Herman & Associates, unsuccessfully protested the GSA's search terms for including requirements it had no ability to meet.

The landlord still has one Inspector General's office at its building: the DC government's OIG is also at 1120 Vermont. [WBJ]

Related Topics: GSA, FBI, Southwest DC