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Union Kitchen to Allow Marijuana Edibles

The good news: Union Kitchen entrepreneurs can make delectable pot brownies.

The bad news: They can’t sell them to you. (So close, and yet so far away.)

Co-founder Jonas Singer sent an email out to members on March 3, explaining that now that it’s legal to possess up to two ounces of cannabis in DC, the same rules apply in the food incubator, reports Washington City Paper. But since it’s still illegal to sell, members still won’t be able to sell edibles. However, Singer is open to that possibility if and when the law adjusts to allow for it. Smoking is still not allowed in the facility and any behavior that creates an uncomfortable work environment will be dealt with. As for those who won’t be happy about working next to edibles: Singer likens it to a vegan working next to pork. “They don’t love it, but they live with it,” he says. [WCP]