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Aaron Georgelas' Other Life


If you know the remarkable history of the Georgelas Group (referenced in the story above), you know that Aaron’s grandfather was a career military guy (two Purple Harts from WW2, rank of colonel) who, while at the Pentagon, started building homes one by one around Northern Virginia. As a result, Aaron grew up learning carpentry. Now in his own garage, he uses his grandfather’s Delta Unisaw that you can see in the back. In the front is a jig for assembling the top curved section of that fence panel. Aaron uses a Hydro method for bending the wood into the jig, which entails soaking cedar before it's bent and assembled. On the table you can see a pneumatic nail gun for assembly. In the background is ductwork that pulls sawdust out of the shop. Making the fence, Aaron filled two 50 gallon drums with sawdust.


This is Aaron's 8-year-old son Lucas, helping to assemble the top section of the fence panel. He's installing each picket in the curved upper section of the fence, 22 pickets per 8 foot section of fence. Who started the family tradition? Lucas’ great-great grandpa, a cobbler in Price, UT. Looks like the tradition is safe a few more generations.