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7 Restaurants That Add Zing To Their Neighborhoods

    7 Restaurants That Add Zing To Their Neighborhoods

    Seattle's got one of the hottest food scenes in the country, which helps keep local real estate markets healthy. That's one reason we're excited to present our Seattle Retail & Restaurant event tomorrow at the Four Seasons. (Another reason is all the good food.) Here's an unscientific survey of seven restaurants that add pizzazz to their neighborhoods.

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    Beardslee Public House

    7 Restaurants That Add Zing To Their Neighborhoods

    Location: Bothell

    Buzz: Meat and more. Go for the creations of the separate charcuterie kitchen, specialty pizza and more.

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    Black Bottle

    7 Restaurants That Add Zing To Their Neighborhoods

    Location: Belltown

    Buzz: Gastropub pioneer in Seattle: cutting-edge eats and drinks. Black Bottle executive chef Brian Durbin will be speaking at our event.

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    7 Restaurants That Add Zing To Their Neighborhoods

    Location: South Lake Union

    Buzz: Seasonal cuisine influenced by exotic cuisines of the world, but hard to categorize.

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    7 Restaurants That Add Zing To Their Neighborhoods

    Location: Pioneer Square
    Buzz: Indian cuisine reimagined by master chef Nirmal Monteiro.

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    7 Restaurants That Add Zing To Their Neighborhoods

    Location: Capitol Hill

    Buzz: Bringing regional Thai cuisine—the Issan region near Loas and Cambodia—to the Pacific Northwest.

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    7 Restaurants That Add Zing To Their Neighborhoods

    Location: Various

    Buzz: Superette is a modern (postmodern?) luncheonette serving chef-designed American staples in a free-form, market-style environment. Superette founder J.J. Gentile will be speaking at our event.

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    7 Restaurants That Add Zing To Their Neighborhoods

    Location: Denny Triangle

    Buzz: LA punk Asian—authenticity not the goal, new experience is. A Tom Douglas creation with a menu of unconventional Asian offerings.

    Hear more about the restaurant scene at Seattle Retail & Restaurant tomorrow, beginning at 7:30am, at the Four Seasons. Sign up here.

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