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Take A Seat At The Innovation Bar, The Latest Birmingham Offices Must-Have

Take A Seat At The Innovation Bar, The Latest Birmingham Offices Must-Have

Nov 25, 2020
Bruntwood Opts For An Even Bigger Gamble At Innovation Birmingham

Bruntwood Opts For An Even Bigger Gamble At Innovation Birmingham

Jan 08, 2020
gymshark hoodie

That Birmingham Gym Is Also A High-Tech Research Centre

Apr 01, 2019
Bruntwood SciTech Doubles The Size of Birmingham's New 1M SF Health Campus

Bruntwood SciTech Doubles The Size of Birmingham's New 1M SF Health Campus

Apr 21, 2021
The Double Boost That Shows Life Sciences Property Is The Future

The Double Boost That Shows Life Sciences Property Is The Future

Aug 05, 2020
The £2B Birmingham Levelling Up Plan: 4 Things Property Needs To Know

The £2B Birmingham Levelling Up Plan: 4 Things Property Needs To Know

Sep 21, 2021
How A Roundabout Can Change Everything

How A Roundabout Can Change Everything

Feb 17, 2021
Real Levelling Up Starts With L&G's £4B West Midlands Investment

Real Levelling Up Starts With L&G's £4B West Midlands Investment

May 18, 2022
Snow In April: Birmingham's Unseasonal Office Market

Snow In April: Birmingham's Unseasonal Office Market

Apr 07, 2021
Home Office

Though CRE Industry Disagrees, Businesses Increasingly Saying Workplaces Will Remain At Home Long-Term

Aug 26, 2020