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cool office desk

Four Things You Really Don't Understand About U.K. Office Occupiers

Sep 25, 2017
Bisnow’s Jealousy List: The 15 Best Stories About Real Estate (That We Didn’t Write) This Year

Bisnow’s Jealousy List: The 15 Best Stories About Real Estate (That We Didn’t Write) This Year

Dec 19, 2018
The Rise And Rise Of Real Estate's New Buzzwords

The Rise And Rise Of Real Estate's New Buzzwords

Aug 06, 2018
The Stuffiest Of Occupier Sectors Is Embracing AI And It Means They Need Less Space

The Stuffiest Of Occupier Sectors Is Embracing AI And It Means They Need Less Space

Apr 25, 2018
UK Broker Breaks Ranks, Says UK Occupiers Will ‘Dramatically Reduce’ Office Space

UK Broker Breaks Ranks, Says UK Occupiers Will ‘Dramatically Reduce’ Office Space

Jun 23, 2022
Are London Lawyers Finally Embracing Modern Workspace?

Are London Lawyers Finally Embracing Modern Workspace?

Oct 30, 2019
The Roots To A Prospering Business Don’t Lie In Technology

The Roots To A Prospering Business Don’t Lie In Technology

Sep 16, 2019
15 Things You Need to Know (London), Powered By Cluttons

15 Things You Need to Know (London), Powered By Cluttons

Dec 07, 2018
The Data Behind Design: How Companies Tailor The Office To Employee Preferences

The Data Behind Design: How Companies Tailor The Office To Employee Preferences

Sep 10, 2018
Morgan Lovell's Sam Sahni

How Remote Workers Are Changing Office Design

Dec 15, 2016