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Drone Wars

Excuse me, sir, there's a drone behind you! Commercial drone use amongst the real estate community is definitely gaining ground in S.F., Hanson Bridgett partner Steven Miller tells us. Applications range from developers using drones to give future residents or tenants sneak peaks of high-up views during construction; residential brokers giving aerial tours; or landlords even using drones to spy on tenants (that's where Steve's expertise comes in). "The little boy in him" loves the concept, but he knows once the FAA cracks down on their commercial uses, expected by September 2015, the entire enterprise could come crashing down. Right now various US cities are already clipping wings on the concept (typically red states are pro-drone, he says). The City of Berkeley is studying whether and how to regulate/restrict drone usage, and S.F. has yet to take a side. (Side note/fun fact: Steve is a Grammy-winning violinist; you might've heard his tunes on Safeway meat commercials.)

Related Topics: Hanson Bridgett, Steven Miller