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Crescent Heights just debuted a new video for its latest project in the city: Japser at 45 Lansing St in Rincon Hill. It stars a peppy and confident girl who describes the 320-unit building and the perfect resident for its studios to three bedrooms. "[Jasper] is the complete opposite of's like when you saw Star Wars for the first time—it changed everything. Every other building in San Francisco was practice for this." She also says it's "for people who know good things when they see's going to be a heck of a place to call home." The project will rise 40 stories and offer views of downtown and the Bay Bridge. 

The leasing office opens in June. Stay tuned for the official website launch, when renderings will be revealed for the first time. Meanwhile, Crescent Heights is busy ramping up hiring, as regional manager Roman Speron (far right) tells us. It's in the process of doubling its staff count to about 100 employees. 

Related Topics: Crescent Heights, Roman Speron