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Hangar One Skeleton Gets Skin From Google

NASA and the GSA just picked Planetary Ventures (a shell company Google sometimes uses for its real estate transactions) as the preferred lessee for Moffett Field and Hangar One in the Silicon Valley airfield. Under the proposal, Google will “rehabilitate and maintain the historic integrity of Hangar One and the Shenandoah Plaza Historic District,” says the GSA. That means Google will re-skin the hangar (now just a skeleton), upgrade the existing golf course, and plant a public use and educational facility there.

Jay Paul Company CIO Matt Lituchy, who does developments in Silicon Valley, thinks Google was the obvious choice, given the proximity to its HQ and the existing relationship with NASA. (They're trying to figure out how to make us live forever.) He reveals his company looked at the RFQ but passed, as it was "really an aviation services and restoration transaction more than a traditional real estate development deal." He gave us an update on a nearby project of his, HarborView (aka the former Malibu Grand Prix site it bought last year). Jay Paul is in the entitlement process with Redwood City and expects to be fully entitled by year end for a three-building, 960k SF office project.