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Stealth Means Fast, Affordable Internet

New York Other

Quick: What’s a good price for ultra-fast fiber Internet for your business? If you're thinking thousands of dollars per month, how's this for size: 100Mbps for $850/month, one-third the price for similar speeds from Verizon or Time Warner. The chaotic tangle of underground wires hasn't been updated to meet the needs of today's businesses, says Stealth Communications founder Shrihari Pandit, but the company has an alternative: brand-new fiber-optic cable installation from 60th Street to Lower Manhattan, reaching businesses from Third to Ninth avenues (and that's only Phase 1). While behemoths like Verizon charge top dollar for their fiber service, the locally run Stealth, which has been serving Manhattan since 1995, is laying the groundwork to bring speeds of 100MB to 100GB/second at prices that small businesses can afford. For more info on Stealth, click here.

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