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New York
Mace's Michele Kimbro, Stephanie Massengale, and Melissa Trifiro
Mace Group recently hit the Big Apple, hosting its second annual internal facility management forum with Mace’s senior leadership teams from the UK and North America and its team of facility managers from the US and Canada. On the trip, they visited potential and current clients Invesco and Standard Chartered Bank. But when the firm’s Michele Kimbro, Stephanie Massengale, and Melissa Trifiro left the office around 6pm, there wasn’t a yellow cab to be found—so the gals had to get creative and flag a pedi-cab. (Now all they need is a pedaler.) Melissa tells us the firm recently hired Brian McNeese (formerly of Studley) and Tim Tourville(formerly of JLL) to expand its services to corporate occupiers, private orgs, and public institutions in the US, Canada, and the Caribbean (its first commission: Barbados). With all this expansion they're gonna need to invest in some tandem bicycles.