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Seven Ways to Sustainability Superstardom


Wondering how to achieve the ranks of the folks above? Ponder no further. BOMA (its chairman, Carr Properties' Rich Greninger, above) has released a list of seven strategies that commercial real estate pros can use to help make their cities green.

1) Get connected

Reach out to local utility companies to find out what incentives and programs are offered in your city and how buildings can benefit.

2) Make a presentation

Implement great energy management strategies? Share leadership insight with your city's business community.

3) Benchmark energy performance

Use EPA's Energy Star Portfolio Manager benchmarking tool and encourage the rest of the buildings in your company's portfolio and your city to do the same. BOMA suggests a benchmarking competition.


4) Support incentive-based energy legislation

If it doesn't exist in your city yet, lobby elected officials to create legislation to incentivize energy efficiency.

5) Host a recycling event

Give tenants and local residents a spot to drop off hard-to-recycle items like batteries and LED light bulbs. (We can finally stop using batteries as Lincoln Logs.) BOMA encourages folks to make it a citywide campaign.

6) Teach your tenants well

Whether through your company newsletter or building announcements, keep tenants informed about energy management goals and offer training, education, and tips on low and no-cost energy efficiency strategies.

7) Green the commute

Offer bicycle storage facilities in your buildings.