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6 Jolting Trump Quotes in 6 Seconds or Less

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GOP candidate and real estate titan Donald Trump is no stranger to social media, using multiple platforms to voice his usually-less-than delicate opinions on just about any topic. We scoured Vine to find the best Trump quotes in six seconds or less.

1. "We don't want perverts elected in New York City. No perverts." Most would agree.


2. On immigration policy: "And I said, 'We need to build a wall.'"

3. On Latino-Trump relations, "Oh I do great with Latino voters. I employ so many Latinos. The Latinos love Trump."


4. In case you needed a refresher in history: "When did we beat Japan at anything?"


5. His opinion onfellow opponent Ben Carson: "You don't cure a child molester." 


6. Life hasn't always been easy for the mogul. "It has not been easy for me and I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of $1M."