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7 Signs It's Time To Look For A New Job

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    7 Signs It's Time To Look For A New Job

    Thinking about changing careers? In need of a new challenge? Check out these signs it’s time to look for a new job.

    Start your job search on Bisnow's Job Board to see what companies are hiring and where to apply.

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    1. You're Bored

    7 Signs It's Time To Look For A New Job

    Optimal employees have four main traits: passion, reliability, organization and skill. You may epitomize the latter three, but if your job no longer fuels your passion, find something that inspires you! You’ll reap the benefits of feeling more productive, less stressed and happier overall.

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    2. You’re Constantly Stressed And Unhappy

    7 Signs It's Time To Look For A New Job

    From farm-to-table to the fitness craze, America is getting healthy, at least in physically. Mental health is just as important and the best way to keep your mind healthy is to relieve stress. If you’re in a job that's constantly got your blood pressure up and your thoughts racing, you're spending at least 40 to 60 hours a week stressed. You deserve better than spending one-third of your life burned out.

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    3. The Company Is Collapsing

    7 Signs It's Time To Look For A New Job

    You signed on to work for the company, not sink with it! If you sense the company is not doing well, it’s an excellent time to look for an alternative position. You can prioritize your job search without feeling guilty and get out just in time.

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    4. Work-Life Balance Is Nonexistent

    7 Signs It's Time To Look For A New Job

    When was the last time you left the office before 6pm? How often do you skip plans with friends because you are too drained from work? How many extra hours do you put in on the weekend? Work is important, but life is, too. Perhaps a different position will offer a better quality of both.

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    5. There Is No Growth In Your Company

    7 Signs It's Time To Look For A New Job

    You’re not just a hard worker, you’re a smart worker and you know it. Your clients like you, your boss praises you and you're an all-around star. There’s only one problem: You’re never moving up. If you’re content with your position, great! If you are chasing a promotion, find a place that will give you what you deserve.

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    6. The Company Culture Is Not For You

    7 Signs It's Time To Look For A New Job

    Stuck in a sweaty suit while it’s 95 degrees out? Clocking in at 8am and clocking out at 10 past 10? Don't want to compete in the mandatory office ping pong tourney? Everyone else in the office is doing the same thing, so why do you no longer want to be a part of it? Probably because the culture is no longer the right fit. Find a place that lets you be you.

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    7. You Want To Experience A New City

    7 Signs It's Time To Look For A New Job

    Craving winter while sitting on the beach in the middle of January? Tired of snow plows and dreaming of a warmer city? America is a big country with so much to offer. Maybe it’s time to explore a new place. If it doesn’t work out, you can always go home.

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