CORFAC International’s Global Network Of CRE Professionals Helps Companies Make Local Connections

For small companies that operate out of a single location, establishing local relationships can ensure real estate transactions are handled with geographic expertise. Commercial real estate professionals and brokers who operate locally often know what works and what doesn’t work in a given location, and can offer clients advice that meets their specific needs.
But when companies expand to offices in other markets, many of them don't have relationships and the same level of confidence in brokers that operate from those locations. It can be difficult to choose the right broker to work with and build new relationships in an unfamiliar market.
That is the challenge CORFAC sought to solve through its international network of qualified commercial real estate professionals. CORFAC optimizes its database of brokers to deliver client-focused solutions and connect the industry.
The platform allows users to search through a database of professionals that make up 52 firms in the United States and Canada, and 27 firms in international markets. Companies and professionals can filter a search by office location, brokerage firm, name of broker or broker specialization to ensure they are getting results that best fit their needs.
“We recommend to clients when looking for an adviser, to find a brokerage firm and a team that’s got local expertise, and also to have a platform that’s expandable, in case they want to venture out into other submarkets, and especially around the country and globally,” Bradford Commercial Real Estate/CORFAC International broker Melanie Hughes said.
Hughes, who is based in Dallas, uses the CORFAC network to match her clients with trusted advisers in other markets.
“I can call CORFAC members around the world and know that I’m getting a dedicated, experienced broker at the other end,” Hughes said. “I don’t have to worry about their level of commitment.”
Network affiliation has also helped Hughes and Bradford Commercial Real Estate gain business from other CORFAC member clients that have expanded into the Dallas metro area.
Affiliates don’t compete with each other geographically, so they can work collaboratively to ensure a client gets the best service and expertise. This allows brokers to strengthen their client relationships as companies expand, rather than risk losing those relationships. Clients continue to benefit from the relationships they have developed with their local broker, regardless of where they are.
This feature was produced in collaboration between Bisnow Branded Content and CORFAC. Bisnow news staff was not involved in the production of this content.