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How Much Prime Real Estate Will $1M Get You In The World’s Top Cities?


How much luxury real estate can you get for a cool $1M? If you're a gateway city citizen, you already know the answer: Not much. But what about other top cities around the world? Here's a look, courtesy of data from Knight Frank’s 2016 Wealth Report.


In Manhattan, $1M gets you a "spacious" 290 SF study. Meanwhile, on the cheaper end in sunny Miami, you can upgrade to an 829 SF ocean-facing terrace.

In the middle is LA, where you could afford a 700 SF master bedroom. Looking outside our borders—Istanbul offers a 1k SF dining room while Hong Kong allows you only a 215 SF guest bath.


In London your money goes a bit further—you could upgrade to a spacious 237 SF master bath. Where does your money buy the least? The playground of the super-rich—in Monaco you would be lucky to afford a 183 SF dressing room. [TRD]