Commercial Real Estate Pricing Growth Stagnant As Retail Prices Offset Industrial Gains
The e-commerce revolution is ongoing, and the effect it has had on property prices is stark.

Green Street Advisors released its Commercial Property Price Index on Friday, finding that commercial prices across the country rose 1% over the past 12 months, with three- and one-month splits at 0% and 1%, respectively. Within the flatness are two sectors pulling in opposite directions.
In the past year, mall prices dropped 12% and strip retail dropped 3%, the only two sectors to see declines over that period. Industrial real estate, which includes distribution centers, rose 15% and is easily one of the hottest sectors in the market. The disparity between retail and industrial values reflects the changing way consumers spend their money.
Retail landlords remain resolutely positive that an increased emphasis on experience can offset the losses in soft goods sales that have precipitated a rash of major closures like Toys R Us, Bon-Ton and Sears. But in places like New York, rents are coming down to refill those vacant spaces and building sale prices have fallen as a result.