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Video 4: Property Valuation


Take this quiz to recap everything that was discussed in video four. (Formula sections do not appear on the quiz)


The value of a property is always determined by what?

The value of a property is always determined by what?

The historic value
The cost to build
The value of a similar building
None of the above


Depending on the situation, different approaches to valuing property are used. For example: it would cost a lot more to purchase a building previously occupied by Benjamin Franklin rather than a building with similar dimensions in the same location. However, in most cases, discounted cash flow is the approach that is used.


Depending on the situation, different approaches to valuing property are used. For example: it would cost a lot more to purchase a building previously occupied by Benjamin Franklin rather than a building with similar dimensions in the same location. However, in most cases, discounted cash flow is the approach that is used.


Why do you discount money in the future to modern day value?

Why do you discount money in the future to modern day value?

To compare potential property earnings x years in the future to safe interest rates.
To gauge how much you should be making compared to other people based on how their investments paid off
To make sure you aren’t losing money to inflation
To estimate how much you could be making on a certain investment


When evaluating discounted cash flow, one of the things that you should keep in mind is how much you would earn if you made a safe investment like investing in government securities. When you discount the money in the future you are simply saying, "this is how much more I need to make in order to beat what I could have made with a safer investment."


When evaluating discounted cash flow, one of the things that you should keep in mind is how much you would earn if you made a safe investment like investing in government securities. When you discount the money in the future you are simply saying, "this is how much more I need to make in order to beat what I could have made with a safer investment."


What is the difference between cash flow and net operating income?

What is the difference between cash flow and net operating income?

Net operating income takes all expenses into account and cash flow is just capital expenses
Cash flow takes into account all expenses while net operating income is strictly revenue minus all operating expenses
They are largely the same thing with small technical differences that you don't need to worry about
Cash flow is a calculation of all money going out, while net operating income is all the income


Cash flow is affected by all expenses whether they are regular or uncommon. Tenant improvements would be deducted from cash flow, it would not be deducted from NOI.


Cash flow is affected by all expenses whether they are regular or uncommon. Tenant improvements would be deducted from cash flow, it would not be deducted from NOI.


Why is it important to be wary of the amount you increase your rent by?

Why is it important to be wary of the amount you increase your rent by?

Because your competition could take advantage of that and build a new building, bringing in new supply, causing tenants to switch locations
If you push rents too high, you could get a reputation as a greedy landlord, which will prevent future tenants from wanting to lease from you
Because the higher the rent, the higher the chance that tenants miss payments
If employees hear that rent is increasing they will request raises, so you have to decide if it is worth it


If you raise your rent too high then there is a possibility that competition takes advantage of this, builds a new building, and draws tenants out of your building by offering cheaper rent.


If you raise your rent too high then there is a possibility that competition takes advantage of this, builds a new building, and draws tenants out of your building by offering cheaper rent.


The liquidity aspect of the discount rate should be adjusted to make up for…

The liquidity aspect of the discount rate should be adjusted to make up for…

The fact that you have to wait to pull out your money, and different markets are more/less liquid than others.
The fact that different markets vary in demand
The amount of time that you are planning to hold a property. The liquidity rate gives an estimate as to the likelihood that you will be bought out in that time
Risk: Low-risk properties are generally more likeable so the liquidity aspect will be low as opposed to a high-risk building, which may not be very liquid, giving it a high value


The liquidity premium should be adjusted to make up for the fact that you won't be able to have your money instantly, as opposed to other investments.


The liquidity premium should be adjusted to make up for the fact that you won't be able to have your money instantly, as opposed to other investments.


Why might the discount rate change over the course of an investment?

Why might the discount rate change over the course of an investment?

A tenant may be signed to a net lease meaning no operating risk, but when they leave, the operating risk has to be readjusted.
Discount rate should change every year, adjusted to match the rate of inflation
Discount rate should never change, it is a fixed rate that you give your property before you even start investing
When the building starts making money, you might adjust the discount rate to account for the new cash flow


It is not a likely event, but there are instances in which a given tenant is significantly riskier than another tenant or vice-versa and when the contract on one expires and a new tenant leases, the operating risk must be adjusted, directly impacting the discount rate.


It is not a likely event, but there are instances in which a given tenant is significantly riskier than another tenant or vice-versa and when the contract on one expires and a new tenant leases, the operating risk must be adjusted, directly impacting the discount rate.


What is a perpetuity stream?

What is a perpetuity stream?

An indefinite series of numbers representing the approximate revenue in the future.
Perpetuity stream represents the total income calculated using the Gordon model over x amount of time
A system used by private equity investors to gauge the total amount of money they will make on all of their properties
Perpetuity stream is simply cash flow/(discount rate-annual growth rate)


Perpetuity stream is simply an infinite series of numbers, generally displayed on a spreadsheet, representing the revenue for each year going forward. Assuming the property is stabilized you can use the Gordon model to estimate what revenue will be in any year moving forward.


Perpetuity stream is simply an infinite series of numbers, generally displayed on a spreadsheet, representing the revenue for each year going forward. Assuming the property is stabilized you can use the Gordon model to estimate what revenue will be in any year moving forward.


Cap rate is equal to ...

Cap rate is equal to ...

Discount rate minus ongoing growth rate
Net operating income minus capital expenses
Risk minus gross income
Property value minus annual income


Because value is equal to cash flow over discount rate (r) minus ongoing growth rate (g), it can be derived so cash flow divided by value is equal to discount rate minus ongoing growth rate, with the definition of cap rate being cash flow divided by value.


Because value is equal to cash flow over discount rate (r) minus ongoing growth rate (g), it can be derived so cash flow divided by value is equal to discount rate minus ongoing growth rate, with the definition of cap rate being cash flow divided by value.


Cap rate variation on paper is primarily due to fluctuation of what?

Cap rate variation on paper is primarily due to fluctuation of what?

Only inflation
Only operating risk
Both operating risk and liquidity
All: inflation, operating risk and liquidity


Because cap rate is equal to the discount rate minus the ongoing growth of cash flow anything that affects discount rate (operating risk and liquidity) will also affect cap rate. Inflation does have a slight influence, but it is not enough to take notice.


Because cap rate is equal to the discount rate minus the ongoing growth of cash flow anything that affects discount rate (operating risk and liquidity) will also affect cap rate. Inflation does have a slight influence, but it is not enough to take notice.


Big increases in cap rate affect which type of investments the most?

Big increases in cap rate affect which type of investments the most?

High debt, low equity
Low debt, high equity
All equity
Private equity


Cap rate represents the annual income over the value of the property, so in a high equity deal, if the cap rate increases due to a decrease in property value, then the money lost gets taken out of the equity portion.


Cap rate represents the annual income over the value of the property, so in a high equity deal, if the cap rate increases due to a decrease in property value, then the money lost gets taken out of the equity portion.


What is the primary cause of cap rate changes?

What is the primary cause of cap rate changes?

Flow of mortgage funds into commercial real estate
Big changes in economic stability
Big changes in supply and demand


If you get big flows of capital coming in, cap rates decrease. However, when there is a limited flow of mortgage funds, cap rates increase.


If you get big flows of capital coming in, cap rates decrease. However, when there is a limited flow of mortgage funds, cap rates increase.


Why do you want to over-discount for an up period?

Why do you want to over-discount for an up period?

Because it will help to figure out the proper amount of money that a property should be earning at a specific time even if it is moving up at a quick rate
Because it will help you achieve your profit goal rather than making it seem like you’ve achieved it long ago
If you over-discount, because cap rate is affected by discount rate, people will most likely be more inclined to make an offer if the cap rate is high
Since growth rate is affected by discount rate, you want a higher discount rate so you have more of a growth rate


Over-discounting is a tool to counter using a low discount rate for down periods. Over-discounting during an up period will prevent you from getting overly confident, and will aid in the success of your property.


Over-discounting is a tool to counter using a low discount rate for down periods. Over-discounting during an up period will prevent you from getting overly confident, and will aid in the success of your property.


What is the problem with getting too attached to numbers?

What is the problem with getting too attached to numbers?

You won’t be right every time, and the numbers don't take into account uncertainty
Numbers are just an abstract representation of how much you could be making, they don't really mean anything but are used more to gauge what you want to be doing
Numbers on spreadsheets have often led to large losses of money because people invest too aggressively when the numbers are looking good
The numbers don't project risk and that should always be taken into account when investing in a property


The numbers can't take into account completely random events. Numbers are a good thing to look at when evaluating a real estate deal but they can't guarantee success, and it is worth noting that one should not get too attached to them.


The numbers can't take into account completely random events. Numbers are a good thing to look at when evaluating a real estate deal but they can't guarantee success, and it is worth noting that one should not get too attached to them.



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