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The Fabulous Real Estate Of Google Co-Founder Larry Page

    Google co-founder and current Alphabet CEO Larry Page is worth an impressive $38B, which isn't all that surprising considering he's the mastermind behind one of the world's most profitable companies. While most of his personal net worth is tied up in Alphabet and its many subsidiaries, Page hasn't ignored real estate. Check out Bisnow's top picks.

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    Spanish Colonial Revival Home

    Page lives in a historic Spanish Colonial Revival-styled Palo Alto home, designed by the famous founder of the Carmel Art Institute, Pedro Joseph de Lemos. The home boasts a two-story stucco archway along with tile and stonework built to resemble the de Lemos family's castle in Spain. 

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    Modest Inside

    Inside house

    While beautiful and historic, Page's home is surprisingly modest considering he's the co-founder of Google. That said, it's not a small placecoming in at 8k SF, the house has six bedrooms and six bathrooms. The property cost him $7M in 2005, and since then he's been updating the property to make it more eco-friendly.

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    Palo Alto Buying Spree

    Apparently not a huge fan of neighbors, Page began buying up properties around his Palo Alto home in 2009, the Palo Alto Weekly reported, tearing down many of the homes and donating the building materials to charity. Page also worked with an arborist to replace dying trees on his estate with new breeds that consume less water in an effort to reduce his impact on the environment.

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    But the biggest reason he bought up all that space was to build his eco-house. Designed to minimize its impact on the environment, Page's green palace measures 6k SF and comes equipped with a rooftop garden, plentiful solar panels and special permeable pavement in the parking lot that allows water to move through the surface.

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    While admittedly not real estate, no discussion of Page's holdings would be complete without the mention of Senseshis $45M mega-yacht. Measuring in at 193 feet, this behemoth boasts a helipad and helicopter, a gym and 10 luxury suites, all managed by a crew of 14. The ship was created to explore the world's oceans in comfort, and as such it contains an extensive array of equipment to explore the deep seas.

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