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Sheldon Adelson Weighing Possible Pro-Trump Super PAC


Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson is considering setting up a super PAC in support of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, along with GOP candidates in crucial congressional races.

Sheldon’s discussions have included big-shot Republican strategists, and high-profile politicians like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

The super PAC would have Sheldon as its primary donor, though it would seek other sources of funding as well—not that the mogul needs help, as his $25B net worth puts him on top of Bisnow’s Rich List.

Sheldon steered clear of most of the Republican primary process, but endorsed his fellow real estate billionaire earlier this month after The Donald clinched the GOP nomination, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Two super PACs have already been formed to support the Trump campaign, while real estate investor Tom Barrack is contemplating his own pro-Trump super PAC. [WSJ]